
New Map Shows Which Countries Are the Most Progressive in Regulating AI



Sometimes charts and graphs are the most effective way to give us important information about current events, as is the case with this graphic from AIRPRM:

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The AI industry is growing and changing at a rapid rate. Many people are excited about the bountiful opportunities it can bring to society, but others are more cautious. Experts have stated concerns about AI eliminating jobs, harvesting copyrighted data, creating deep fakes, and being deployed for other nefarious purposes. On top of that, environmentalists raised concern about the carbon emissions caused by AI servers. As we can see from this chart, these concerns are taken seriously by world governments. Here we can see which countries have developed a national AI strategy, how much they’ve invested in AI initiatives, and what kind of legislation these countries have enacted.

The data shows us that the United States have developed the largest number of policies and strategies while The European Union leads the way in amount of money invested in AI strategy (as far as we can tell. AIPRM lacked the data to determine how much the US has spent on their efforts.) The European Union leads in another way too with the development of the AI Act, a piece of horizontal legislature determining nationwide rules regarding transparency, data usage, accountability, and human oversight. The AI Act will likely pave the way for legislation that other countries develop in the future. We love how informative this graphic is while also giving us a quick and colorful overview of the state of AI law across the world.

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