Actors are prized for their performances, charisma, looks, and star power that draws audiences to their films. A key component...
The team at Kylar Mack shows us just how valuable the world’s most precious metals are with this illustrated chart visualizing the cost per ounce of...
Stock market enthusiasts, investors, and people with an interest in business will turn their attention to Q3 results to find out who the titans of industries...
Yachts and big boats are flashy and so is this colorful chart from the team at SI Yachts ranking boat and yacht manufacturers by how much...
Alternative payment methods are taking the world by storm as shown in this chart from Paysecure. Alternative payment methods are transactions made through any method other...
Data can be the key to exposing injustices in society. These graphs are a strong example of that. They examine the pay gap between men and...
The rise of music streaming platforms has taken a toll on the artists that create the music that we love. Ever since the birth of streaming,...
Houses aren’t cheap these days. In fact, they are so not cheap that millions of young Americans are holding off on buying a home and are...
When we think of the most popular characters around the world, many quickly come to mind. Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and Barbie have been staples...
Divorces can not only be messy, they can be quite costly too! According to this chart of the most expensive divorces of all time, some of...