
Animated Timeline Shows Nuclear Warheads by Country Over Time



A nuclear warhead is a highly advanced and meticulously engineered device designed to release an immense amount of energy through nuclear fission or fusion reactions. Comprising fissile materials, triggering mechanisms, and containment structures, it operates by initiating a chain reaction within the atomic nucleus, leading to a catastrophic explosion that far surpasses the destructive power of conventional explosives. The controlled release of nuclear energy in warheads underscores their devastating potential, shaping global security dynamics and emphasizing the critical importance of preventing their use.

[OC] Nuclear Warheads by Country
by u/PieChartPirate in dataisbeautiful

This visualization, as posted by Reddit user PieChartPirate, shows off the nuclear warheads by country, specifically from 1950 through 2022. The visualization was created with SJVisualizer, and the source for the data came from Wikipedia. This is a fascinating look at this information, which by 2022, shows that the worldwide leader in terms of nuclear warheads is Russia with 5,889. Following Russia are the United States (5,244), China (410), France (290), United Kingdom (225), Pakistan (170), India (164), Israel (90), and North Korea (50).

According to the data, if you were to go all the way back to 1951, which is where this visualization starts, only two countries are represented – those being the United States (with 320 at the time) and the Soviet Union (with 7 at the time). Within ten years, more countries were topping the rankings, as by 1961, the United States had 19,381 nuclear warheads, the Soviet Union saw a dramatic jump from 7 to 1,874, the United Kingdom had 65, and France possessed just two.

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