Maps Show What Matters Most To People Around the World
What matters most to you? What do you find most fulfilling? What would a happy life look like to you? While the answers to these questions are profoundly influenced by your own personal experiences and background, your homeland may play a role too. This simple and beautiful chart by explores what matters most in every country based on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Better Life Index.
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Overall, it is both soothing and thought-provoking in its simplicity. I love charts like these because it makes me reflect both inward and outward – the world truly is a mosaic of cultures with diverse values, priorities, and “recipes” for happiness! Be sure to explore the Better Life Index – it is fascinating! It delves deeper into the data behind the responses and offers more insight into each country. For example, the top five for the United States are life satisfaction, health, education, work-life balance, and environment.