Business Visualizations

The Most Profitable Companies by Industry



If you are reading this on mobile, there is a 55.79% chance that you have an iPhone in your hand right now. So it is now wonder that Apple is the most profitable company in the United States with a mind-blowing profit of $94.68 billion in 2021! It pays to be a tech company in America – Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Intel all reign supreme for profitability in the U.S. However, America is a land of opportunity and innovation, so there are many industries that massively lucrative! The team at Cloud Peak Law Group has provided minimalist but striking visualization of the most profitable companies in every industry, including aerospace and defense, apparel, energy, health care, media, finances, and beyond.

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The color coding makes it easy to spot trends in the industries that excel in the United States – lots of purples and grays (technology and investing/banking). Pfizer is the first healthcare company to appear on the chart – I wonder how different the rankings would be if COVID-19 never happened? According to The Guardian, Pfizer made nearly $37 billion in sales from its COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, making it one of the most lucrative products in history. The article is titled “Pfizer accused of pandemic profiteering as profits double”, but we desperately needed the vaccine, so can that really be considered predatory? It is certainly a topic of moral ambiguity and debate. I appreciate how quick and easy it is to interpret this chart. Simple can be so effective!

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