Finance Visualizations
New Chart Shows 80 Jobs That Pay $50,000+ And Don’t Require a Degree
Student debt is a massive issue in the United States – by the end of 2020, student debt broke a staggering record of $1.7 trillion. That is a 4% increase from the prior year, which may not seem significant, but 4% of $1.7 trillion is $68 billion. The average student debt per person is $30,062, which is nearly 10 grand higher than 10 years ago. The dire status of student debt in America is compelling people to seek out high-paying jobs that do not require a degree. The U.S. Career Institute has created a useful chart using the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data to showcase the 80 highest-paying jobs that do not require a formal degree.
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While some of these jobs do require certification, others offer excellent salary potential with no formal education at all. For example, farm labor contractors earn a median wage of $61,910 and do not need any formal educational credential. Of course, these jobs require hard work, dedication, and knowledge, and people with jobs in these fields should never be underestimated or undervalued simply because they do not have an “expensive piece of paper” from a college or university. After all, flying a commercial plane certainly demands a high level of precision, skill, and on-the-job training! Hopefully this chart will provide inspiration to those who wish to embark on their own career paths utilizing talents that they cultivate themselves without the cost and time required by formal academia.