Corporations in America are not known for their diversity when it comes to C-suite executives. The majority of CEOs and other top executives have primarily been...
When we think of the most popular characters around the world, many quickly come to mind. Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and Barbie have been staples...
A nuclear warhead is a highly advanced and meticulously engineered device designed to release an immense amount of energy through nuclear fission or fusion reactions. Comprising...
Depending on where in the world you live, the most popular surname in your country will be wildly different. In the United States (and many other...
By the beginning of 2021, over 3 million people permanently lost their jobs. Fortunately, federal data suggests that the job market may be rallying and continues...
It seems like every week a new report comes out stating that Americans are having less sex than ever, but today we wanted to share a...
It is almost watermelon season! That means venturing to the grocery store or market and to choose the most perfect, juicy, ripe, flavorful specimen from the...
Do you know who the wealthiest person in England is? How about Germany’s richest person? The following graphic created by shows each country’s richest person, their net...
Tipping culture is a controversial topic. In the United States, tipping is very common at restaurants and other services like hairdressers and barbers. However, some other...
How many people live in Europe? The population of Europe is around 745 million people, or 10% of the world population. Internationally recognized data analyst, mapmaker,...