Classic sports like baseball, football, and basketball have long been some of the most popular sports in the United States. However, in recent years, other sports...
Wondering where in the world you’re most likely to get some action? The NapLab team created a Global Promiscuity Index that compares different factors including average number of...
Corporations in America are not known for their diversity when it comes to C-suite executives. The majority of CEOs and other top executives have primarily been...
When we think of the most popular characters around the world, many quickly come to mind. Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and Barbie have been staples...
Gun control laws and policies vary wildly by state. Many states on the east and west coasts of the United States have dozens of gun laws...
It is August and we have dreamy, creamy ice cream on the mind! The team at CivicScience has scooped up data on the ice cream consumption...
A nuclear warhead is a highly advanced and meticulously engineered device designed to release an immense amount of energy through nuclear fission or fusion reactions. Comprising...
Precious metals are rare natural metals with high value, such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium (which falls under the platinum group). These metals are prized...
Divorces can not only be messy, they can be quite costly too! According to this chart of the most expensive divorces of all time, some of...
This new illustrated timeline comes to us from, a women’s fashion company based in California, and shows the fascinating evolution of swimwear over time. From...