This new illustrated timeline comes to us from, a women’s fashion company based in California, and shows the fascinating evolution of swimwear over time. From...
America is relentless in its pursuit of perfect, pearly-white teeth. According to OnHealth, Americans spend around $2 billion annually on teeth whitening products. However, as much...
Pesticides are often necessary to keep crops safe, but many consumers have been increasingly concerned about the amount of pesticides and herbicides that remain on the...
Depending on where in the world you live, the most popular surname in your country will be wildly different. In the United States (and many other...
By the beginning of 2021, over 3 million people permanently lost their jobs. Fortunately, federal data suggests that the job market may be rallying and continues...
Which website, aside from search engines like Google, do you visit the most? Now compare that to the findings from this study by Hostinger of the most visited...
It seems like home prices everywhere are on the rise, but are they actually? While some parts of the U.S. have continued to see home prices...
It seems like every week a new report comes out stating that Americans are having less sex than ever, but today we wanted to share a...
Nothing ruins a nice drive quite like hitting a large pothole in the road and then having to wonder if you’re going to have to shell...
It is almost watermelon season! That means venturing to the grocery store or market and to choose the most perfect, juicy, ripe, flavorful specimen from the...