
The Most Popular Websites Around the World



Which website, aside from search engines like Google, do you visit the most? Now compare that to the findings from this study by Hostinger of the most visited website in every country around the world (that isn’t a search engine, of course). In addition to not including search engine results, the team at Hostinger also removed Facebook and YouTube from the analysis as they dominated the results. The hundreds of billions of hours people around the world spend on Google, YouTube, and Facebook far eclipse all other websites; and quite frankly would make the results of this study far more boring. To create the map, they analyzed online ranking data to determine which websites received the most visits in each country. Check out the world map below to see the full results of Hostinger’s analysis.

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One website stands out above the rest as the most visited website in the most countries around the world. Wikipedia was found to be the most visited website in 43 of the countries that were analyzed, far more than second-place Twitter which is the most visited site in 10 countries. Amazon and Kooora tied for third as the most visited website in four countries, and Delfi and Reddit tied for fifth place with three countries apiece. For a closer look at the most popular website in each country, the original map has been broken down into five different regional maps on the original website. There you’ll also find world maps of the most visited news websites, food and beverage websites, banking websites, and fashion websites in every country around the world. How do the news, banking, fashion, and food websites that you frequently visit compare to that of your fellow countrymen?

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New Map Shows Which Countries Are the Most Progressive in Regulating AI



Sometimes charts and graphs are the most effective way to give us important information about current events, as is the case with this graphic from AIRPRM:

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The AI industry is growing and changing at a rapid rate. Many people are excited about the bountiful opportunities it can bring to society, but others are more cautious. Experts have stated concerns about AI eliminating jobs, harvesting copyrighted data, creating deep fakes, and being deployed for other nefarious purposes. On top of that, environmentalists raised concern about the carbon emissions caused by AI servers. As we can see from this chart, these concerns are taken seriously by world governments. Here we can see which countries have developed a national AI strategy, how much they’ve invested in AI initiatives, and what kind of legislation these countries have enacted.

The data shows us that the United States have developed the largest number of policies and strategies while The European Union leads the way in amount of money invested in AI strategy (as far as we can tell. AIPRM lacked the data to determine how much the US has spent on their efforts.) The European Union leads in another way too with the development of the AI Act, a piece of horizontal legislature determining nationwide rules regarding transparency, data usage, accountability, and human oversight. The AI Act will likely pave the way for legislation that other countries develop in the future. We love how informative this graphic is while also giving us a quick and colorful overview of the state of AI law across the world.

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The Best States for Small Businesses, Ranked



According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the United States is home to 33.2 million small businesses. Combined, these make up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses! Here is an even more surprising fact; small businesses were responsible for 63% of all new jobs created between 1995 to 2021. We might imagine that big companies are churning out the jobs, but in reality, America is built on small companies striving to succeed! So what does it take for a small business to thrive in the United States? Many factors play a role, but as with many money matters, location is key. The team at Finfare has created this incredible index to highlight the best and worst states to start a small business. Check it out:

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We love indexes like this! They combine multiple relevant data sets to create a bigger, more insightful picture. This index includes factors such as corporate tax rate, state unemployment tax, LLC fees, average monthly commercial electric bills, minimum wage, commercial spaces for lease, and business survival rates within one year AND five years. All together, these facets create a more trustworthy outlook on the best places for small businesses. If there is a specific factor you want to know more about, there are top five lists below the main chart. I was impressed and surprised that California has a one year business survival rate of 86.8%! I figured that there would be plenty of cutthroat competition there. It drops down to 55.7% after five years, but that is still the third highest!

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Penis Lengths Around the World



Who says size doesn’t matter? Certainly not the men of Sudan who were found to have the world’s largest average penis size. According to sex-toy site, the average length of an erect penis in Sudan is 7.07 inches long, or 17.95 cm for our metric friends. Sudan’s impressive average length just barely beat out its neighboring country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which had a reported average penis length of 7.06 inches when erect. We have to say, with average lengths that long the banana was a great choice to represent the male member on this pretty pink graphic! If you’re wondering what the average penis size is in other countries, TooTimid put together quite the compendium of worldwide penis lengths. Their inclusive chart ranks 143 countries on the average length of an erect penis among its male citizens. In addition to erect penis sizes, they’ve even highlighted the top ten countries that were found to have the longest average flaccid penis. If you’re more interested in girth than length, the top ten lists for the countries with the largest penis circumference (both erect and flaccid) are also waiting to be discovered by you below. What about the countries with the shortest penis size? Don’t worry, the team at TooTimid covered that too! This chart of countries ranked by penis size truly has it all. How does your member measure up to the rest of the world? Check out the map of average penis sizes around the world and see for yourself!

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