Misc Visuals

Visualizing the Most Famous Phones in Pop Culture



Sometimes, props that could have quietly become part of a film’s scenery stand out as an iconic aspect that adds depth to a setting or character. Nothing illustrates this better than a chart created by Ooma displaying the 45 most famous phones in pop culture. On the chart we can see where and when these phones first appeared on screens, an illustrated rendering of them, and a bit of trivia telling us why this phone made an impact. As a whole, the chart makes us re-think how something as commonplace as a phone can help make a piece of media memorable.

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45 Famous Phones from Pop Culture

Some phones help form part of our lasting impression of a character. For example, Pee-Wee Herman’s picture phone is a regular part of the show and adds texture to Pee-Wee’s whimsical world. In the film, Juno, the title character is a relaxed teen with a quick wit, who uses a phone shaped like a hamburger to add a sense of humor and childishness to otherwise serious conversations.

Here are some more examples that appear on the chart:

  • TARDIS from Doctor Who
  • Clear Conairphone from Clarissa Explains it All
  • “Show Me the Money!” Flip Phone from Jerry Maquire
  • Neo’s Cell Phone from The Matrix
  • Shellphone from Spongebob Squarepants
  • Glass Case of Emotion from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

How many phones do you remember from this list? Have any of them made you re-think the movie or show they appear in?

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Business Visualizations

Stay on Top of the Market with the Businesses with Largest Market Caps



Stock market enthusiasts, investors, and people with an interest in business will turn their attention to Q3 results to find out who the titans of industries are. The team at LLC Attorney has created what might be the easiest way to digest the data with this graph ranking businesses by their Q3 market caps.

Not only did the team create this ranking, but they broke down information by sector, industry group, industry, and sub-industry. This comprehensive look at the data is color-coded and easy to reference at a glance. The biggest companies stand out for quick information, but for those who want more comprehensive information, there are plenty of details to examine. Below the illustrated graph, you’ll find a super detailed graph labeling the sub-industries.

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The Largest Company by Market Cap in Every Sector and Industry

Overall, the data shows us that these were the top ten companies across all industries:

  1. Microsoft ($3,365.91B)
  2. Apple ($3,229.67B)
  3. Nvidia ($3,038.64B)
  4. Alphabet Inc. (Google) ($2,259.01B)
  5. Amazon ($2,015.91B)
  6. Meta Platforms (Facebook) ($1,362B)
  7. Berkshire Hathaway ($883.76B)
  8. Eli Lilly ($868.57B)
  9. Broadcom ($812.17B)
  10. JPMorgan Chase ($595.32B)

Looking at these results can be inspirational for business owners and informative to investors. Those who are a dab hand at the stock market know that it’s important to keep up with the world of business and to know the numbers. No matter where you stand, this chart is informative and easy to understand.


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Business Visualizations

Ranking Boat Manufacturers by Revenue Per Second



Yachts and big boats are flashy and so is this colorful chart from the team at SI Yachts ranking boat and yacht manufacturers by how much revenue they earn per second. Yachts are undoubtedly a status symbol, so this ranking of manufacturers only adds to the prestige of the boats they sell.

The graphic is plenty colorful, showing us images of the type of boat each manufacturer is known for along with their logo. The team ranked each brand by how much revenue they earn per second and also broke down how much they earn in a year, as well as listing the company’s country of origin. The result is an illustrated parade of top boating and yachting brands.

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The Biggest Boat and Yacht Manufacturers Ranked by Revenue per Second

Boat enthusiasts have a lot of brand loyalty, but they’re also on the lookout for rising brands or the latest or most exciting boat models and features. This infographic displays all the brands that yachters should be paying attention to. Do you see any brands you don’t recognize on the list?

Their results show us that the top selling brand was Italian mega yacht manufacturer, Fincantieri, earning an incredible $266.99 per second or 8.42 billion a year. The brand is closely followed by American manufacturer, Brunswick Boats who earn $202.94 per second or 6.4 billion a year. These are the only brands that slotted into the graphics over $100 a second revenue category. Explore the details of all these great brands and maybe even research their bestselling models.

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Which States Rank Highest in Sexual Satisfaction?



A recent nationwide survey by NapLab delved into sexual satisfaction across the United States, revealing some surprising trends. The results, summarized in an eye-catching ranked chart, showed that the average satisfaction rating was a modest 4.77 out of 10. This number hints that many Americans are not fully content with their sex lives. Even more surprising was that 23.6% of respondents rated their satisfaction as low as 1, while only 10.6% reported a perfect score of 10. Although 45.6% of participants said they engage in sexual activity at least once a week, it seems frequency didn’t translate into higher satisfaction levels.

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Which States Have the Best Sex?

The top 10 states with the highest sexual satisfaction scores are as follows:

  1. Oklahoma
  2. Kentucky
  3. Texas
  4. Maine
  5. Iowa
  6. Louisiana
  7. Arkansas
  8. New Hampshire
  9. Georgia
  10. South Dakota

A notable pattern emerged, with many of the highest-ranking states located in the Bible Belt, challenging the assumption that these religious and conservative areas might report lower satisfaction. On the flip side, states like Virginia, New Mexico, and Alaska reported scores below 3, despite earlier NapLab studies showing elevated levels of sexual activity in these states.

Several factors could be influencing these scores, including the impact of technology, shifting social norms, and amount of alcohol consumption. Improving sexual satisfaction may involve better communication with partners, more non-sexual physical intimacy, and even investing in a quality mattress.

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