Can you imagine what life would be like if you could not read or write? This intriguing chart provided by explores world countries with the...
The flag of Denmark has been in use since 1625, making it the oldest flag in the world that has been continuously used. Denmark’s national flag...
When we think of PepsiCo, the first thing that comes to our mind are the drinks Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, or Mountain Dew. However, did you know...
Ever wonder how much you poop compared to other people? Well, that’s exactly what the fine folks at porta-potty provider are aiming to find out...
Houses aren’t cheap these days. In fact, they are so not cheap that millions of young Americans are holding off on buying a home and are...
Elon Musk has become the richest person in the world thanks to his many investments in the tech world, but how many companies does he actually...
What are your long-time favorite brands? Customer loyalty is key for the long-term success no matter the size of the brand! A loyal customer will continue...
Positions in the health care industry have always been in demand, especially since the start of the pandemic. Hospitals and doctor’s offices all over the country...
What can go nearly six times the speed of sound and cost $2.5 trillion dollars to build and operate (adjusted for inflation)? The answer is the...
Gems like rubies, emeralds, and diamonds are found in jewelry all over the world. Some countries are known for their prolific gemstone production. Do you know...