Homelessness in the United States remains a pressing issue, especially as rates have surged by 18.1% in 2024—a historic high....
Sometimes charts and graphs are the most effective way to give us important information about current events, as is the case with this graphic from AIRPRM:...
We love graphs that make huge scale business deals easy to digest and understand. This chart is a great example, showing us a timeline of major...
Data can be the key to exposing injustices in society. These graphs are a strong example of that. They examine the pay gap between men and...
The rise of music streaming platforms has taken a toll on the artists that create the music that we love. Ever since the birth of streaming,...
This may be the most colorful visualization of history we’ve ever seen! This chart shows every single color of Crayola crayon ever made. Given the company’s...
According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the United States is home to 33.2 million small businesses. Combined, these make up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses!...
What color do you associate with success? While this answer may vary significantly depending on where you live (shout out to this fantastic and fascinating guide...
Google it! This is perhaps one of the most abundant examples of a brand name evolving into an everyday word. The cultural phenomena of brand names...
Sales of new vehicles reached 15.5 million in the United States in 2023, a respectable 12.4% increase over the previous year. Which car brands would you...
Originally published on 04/04/2024, Updated on 02/20/2025 This year’s solar eclipse is a hot topic. News channels are covering it, everyone is talking about it, and...