In the grand scheme of time and space, the existence of humanity is a mere drip in the ocean of reality. Or is it? Either way,...
When it comes to expensive toys for uber rich folk, the mega yacht might reign as the supreme status symbol. Sure, a private jet is cool,...
One of the most exquisite and elegantly designed visualizations I have encountered is this chart by designer Alberto Lucas López titled “A world of languages”, which...
Which animals are the deadliest and kill the most humans every year? According to this chart created by Reddit user u/Dremarious using information from the WorldAtlas;...
The movie Titanic was a gigantic box office hit. Before Titanic, Disney’s The Lion King had the most box office revenue when it came out in...
Charitable giving across the United States is definitely on the rise. More than $546 billion was raised in 2019 alone from Americans, corporations, and foundation giving....
Even though the last season of television show “The Office” aired in 2014, it’s still incredibly popular. It has become a cult classic and is one...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has had some incredible missions over the course of its 63 year existence. From the iconic Apollo trips to...
Did you know that about 71% of Earth’s surface is covered with water? Between the large salt water oceans and long fresh water rivers, water makes...
COVID has taken the last year and a half of our lives hostage. There isn’t a day that goes by where you don’t hear someone say,...