
Every Coin the U.S. Mint has Produced Over the Past 100 Years, Visualized



When you were growing up, do you remember your parents having a big cardboard U.S. map with slots for the official state quarters to fit into? When I was a kid, it was all the rage to collect those special shiny emblems and it was always exciting to acquire a new state coin. My parents filled about 60% of the board, and eventually the hype wore off and we ended up using the quarters for laundry. This made me wonder, “how many coins have there been made in the United States?” Fortunately, this fascinating visualization by answers that question and more:

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I really love the elegant, minimalist color scheme – it has a gilded, “expensive” appearance that perfectly suits the topic. The fonts chosen throughout elevate this classy appearance, creating a cohesive chart that delivers an incredible amount of information in a refined way.

Between 1921 and 2020, the U.S. Mint has produced 816,138,372,612 coins which amounts to $169,541,902,128 billion in today’s dollars! I like to imagine being Scrooge McDuck and swimming in a shimmering ocean of all of those coins. In reality, doing that would probably be cold, smelly, and unpleasant, but it is still a fun daydream. I was most curious about how many pennies there are in the United States and found the answer promptly; over 66 billion pennies have been produced by the U.S. Mint. I also discovered that it actually costs the government 2 cents to produce one penny, which means it lost $76 million in 2020 by producing over $7.5 billion pennies. Seems like the copper is making us more “coppoor”. Sorry, I could not resist.

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Study Determines Cities with Biggest Home Price Increases After COVID-19



The team at Mortgage Calculator released a study examining COVID-19’s impact on the American housing market. The pandemic hugely impacted the global economy, creating shifts in the prices of groceries, cars, gas, and homes. Generally, home prices skyrocketed all around the country. Their research showed that these ten U.S. cities had the largest home price increases:

  • Irvine, CA
  • Detroit, MI
  • Fayetteville, NC
  • Miami, FL
  • Tampa, FL
  • Buffalo, NY
  • Port St. Lucie, FL
  • Newark, NJ
  • San Bernardino, CA
  • Petersburg, FL

Click below to zoom.

Where in the U.S. Have Home Prices Increased the Most Since the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

There are many reasons that home prices rose so much between 2020 and 2024. The economy was chaotic and uncertain during the pandemic, with average people feeling unequipped to navigate the changes. Many people lost jobs, especially those who held public-facing positions. Others switched to remote work, forcing them to make their home their workspace. For some, this was an ideal situation; others wished for a new home to accommodate their new way of working. Unemployment rose to a higher rate than it had in 80 years. This situation left many seeking new situations, but just as many felt they should plant deeper roots instead.

There were not enough houses to fit the number of people searching for a move or first-time home ownership. Interest rates soared. People moved out of city centers to rural and suburban communities. This left the housing market in flux with skyrocketing prices, as we can see from the in-depth research presented in this chart.

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Map Uncovers Countries with Most Powerful Passports



There are many uses for a passport, but the most useful one is access to foreign countries. A powerful passport will grant the holder easy access to many different foreign nations. This map from the team at Italian Dual Citizenship ranks countries by how many foreign nations passport holders can visit without a Visa or with the easy Visa upon-arrival option. We can see an extensive list of their results, as well as a color-coded map with the most powerful country’s passports, darkened to navy blue and the weakest labeled with vibrant green.

Click below to zoom.

Which Countries Have the World's Most Powerful Passports?

This map is a powerful demonstration of the data since we can look at the colors and notice patterns and anomalies. For example, the entire European Union, which encompasses most of Western Europe, is a deep navy blue, and the countries are among the world’s most powerful passport issuers. In the Middle East, we see a lot of green indicating weaker passports, but there’s a lone navy-blue country. The United Arab Emirates offers the world’s most powerful passport with Visa-free access to 133 countries and 46 countries with a Visa-on-arrival.

As for the countries with the most limited access, Syria is at the bottom of the list, with only nine Visa-free opportunities and 30 Visa-on-arrival. Afghanistan offers only six Visa-free opportunities but pushes past Syria with 34 Visa-on-arrival countries.

This map is a perfect way to display a huge wealth of data, like information on passport requirements.

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Business Visualizations

New Research Shows Which Vehicle Makes and Models are Deadliest



Fatal accidents are all too common in the United States, but some crucial factors can affect whether an accident becomes deadly. One of those factors is the safety features of the vehicles involved. Makes and models aren’t equally safe, and the research conducted by the team at Convoy Car Shipping makes this grim fact clear.

The research used data from government organizations to study the statistics on which vehicles were involved in fatal accidents and how many fatal accidents a given vehicle was involved in compared to number of them on the road. The results give us a balanced look at which makes and models have the worst track record of fatal accidents.

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What Are the Deadliest Vehicle Makes and Models in the United States

The research shows that these vehicles are the deadliest:

  • Ford Ranger
  • Jeep Cherokee
  • Dodge Charger
  • Nissan Maxima
  • Ford Taurus
  • Ford Mustang
  • Chevrolet Camaro
  • Chevrolet Blazer/Tahoe
  • Chevrolet Silverado
  • Ford Expedition

American-made vehicles aren’t looking safe when we consider the number of Ford and Chevy models on this top ten list. Examine the data to find information on even more vehicles. You’ll also see that this make/model list differs from overall crash statistics. The broader picture proved Harley Davidson motorcycles to be the second most deadly vehicles. We think that this skews the story the data tells because motorcycles have far fewer safety features than cars and trucks. The team at Convoy Car Shipping should be applauded for their attention to detail that considers the unequal safety standard on cars and trucks versus motorcycles. The research gives us all possible data so that vehicle owners can draw their own conclusions.

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