Animation Shows Earth’s Temperature Trends from 0 to 2019 AD
Today’s animation comes to us from Reddit user /u/bgregory98 and visualizes global temperature trends from 0 to 2019 AD, the results are eye-opening:
Across the 2,000-year timeline, average global temperatures remain largely steady for the first 1,000 years and drop slightly for the next 500-750 years; what’s truly interesting about this animation is what happens in the final 200+ years. As the timeline approaches the industrial age, temperatures begin to rise and then skyrocket through to the modern day… the evidence is almost unsettling; human activity is undeniably affecting Earth’s temperatures.
Global warming and climate change have been hot topics for years. Even so, some people still don’t believe it’s real. However, scientists have studied climate models going back 50 years that have accurately predicted warming temperatures across the globe. These global temperatures have consistently risen around 0.9 degrees Celsius since 1970. What these models have also confirmed is that human activity is the cause. Climate change is caused from excess CO2 in the atmosphere. When people burn fossil fuel it creates carbon dioxide. This CO2 releases heat which then gets trapped in the earths upper atmosphere for 100 years, heating up the surface and leading to climate destruction. When scientists go to study climate change one thing they look at are Oxygen isotopes from ocean sediment. This is because they are tied to the earths ice caps. When water evaporates from the ocean’s surface, light isotopes of oxygen evaporate quicker because it takes less energy to break the chemical bonds. If these light isotopes then get carried to polar ice caps and trapped in the ice the ratio of these isotopes in the ocean goes down. What we are seeing now is the exact opposite. As the ice caps melt more oxygen isotopes are deposited into the ocean and the sea level rises. These ratios are recorded in shells of marine microorganisms and allow scientists to record how much the ice caps have grown or shrank around the globe.
Economists and scientists alike believe that taxing carbon is one way to strengthen the global response towards climate change. A carbon tax is a fee that would be imposed on the use of coal, oil and gas. The goal would be to motivate people to move to cleaner energy sources by saving them money and also making them more energy efficient. Judging by the information in this automated graphic, the worlds temperature is going to continue to grow at an exponential rate because of the human race. What we do today will determine if this leads to the destruction of earth in hundreds of years or if we can slowly begin to repair the damage done. If everyone did their part even just small changes can make a big difference!
Misc Visuals
Exploring Science Fiction Technology That Became a Reality
Science fiction often features futuristic technology that once seemed unimaginable. Yet, many sci-fi stories have accurately predicted innovations that eventually became real. Throughout history, countless fictional inventions have transitioned from mere ideas to actual advancements. This fascinating work from AI PRM illustrates the time gap between when these imaginative concepts first appeared in fiction and when they were finally brought to life.
Click below to zoom.
Their research examined sci-fi technology that exists today in these categories:
- Space Exploration
- Communication
- Robotics and AI
- Health and Biotechnology
- Weapons and Defense
When the 1927 film Metropolis became a hit, it was difficult to imagine that the video calls in the movie would ever become a reality, but today, this is a commonplace technology we rely on. The team shows us that the first real-world video phone was created by AT&T in 1964. In 2003, Skype made video calls widely accessible.
As for artificial intelligence in our lives, E.M. Forster’s The Machine Stops depicted a world where people had automated phones that could respond to their commands and help them manage their lives. This became a common trope in science fiction, but today, with the rise of devices like Alexa and Google Home, this technology doesn’t seem unusual at all. Believe it or not, when Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was released in 1870, submarines seemed like a feat of imagination to the reading public. But the Nautilus was inspired by a French sub prototype. The first submarine was launched just a few years later by Isaac Peral in 1888. Explore more technology once thought impossible throughout the team’s article.
Timeline Charts the Development of Communications Technology
Humans are unique because of our sophisticated ability to communicate with one another. What we’re doing right now is a perfect example. Chartistry is showing you the timeline created by the Ooma team who used data from universities and libraries to create a visual representation of changing communications technology. They communicate it to us through pictures and words expressed through pixels, brought to us all by the connective power of the Internet, allowing you to learn something new in a matter of minutes. That alone is an impressive feat of communication! So, how did such a complex system of communication become commonplace? Well, this timeline shows us. A series of pivotal inventions and developments brought us from the first cave paintings to the 5g phone in your pocket.
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The timeline starts in 100,000 BC and takes us all the way to present day, highlighting the most important communications technology with an image of each development, a description of why it made an impact, and the date it emerged. Along this long, winding path, we find inventions like the printing press. This creation allowed the written word to spread further and inspired more humans to learn to read. The telegram emerged centuries later inspiring the revolutionary first telephone in 1876.
After the telephone, radio waves opened all new avenues of communication by ushering in the age of radio broadcast and television, allowing humans to keep up with news all over the world. This concept was, of course, perfected by the Internet connecting humans on a global scale. This timeline highlights how deeply humans are driven to connect with each other.
The Evolution of Baby Names: A Century of Trends
Even though approximately 10,000 babies are born each day, the act of naming holds significance. Some parents want a unique name for their child, while others want to follow tradition. Names serve as a window into the cultural zeitgeist, reflecting societal values, historical events, and pop culture influences of their time.
This chart from Kremp shows us that over the past century, we’ve witnessed a fascinating metamorphosis in naming preferences. In the 1920s, traditional monikers like John, William, and Mary dominated the charts, often inspired by religious figures or historical figures. Fast forward to 2023, and we see a shift towards more diverse options such as Liam, Noah, Olivia, and Emma.
Click below to zoom
This evolution could reflect broader societal changes. The decline of once-ubiquitous names like John and Mary might indicate a move away from strict religious influences while the rise of names like Mateo and Luna suggests an increasing embrace of multiculturalism.
Interestingly, some names have displayed remarkable staying power. James, for instance, has maintained its popularity across generations, briefly falling out of favor only to resurge in recent years.
The world of girl names has seen even more dramatic shifts. The top names of 2023 are notably different to those of a century ago. As we examine the trends Kremp showed us on their colorful and fun chart, remember that names show us what parents valued when gifting their child with their name. Whether drawing inspiration from beloved fictional characters, honoring family traditions, or simply choosing a name that resonates, naming continues to be a deeply personal and meaningful act.
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